Thursday, September 2, 2010

How the Bankers Have Trapped Bernanke by Gary North

Check out this website I found at

In his speech, he opened with praise for what a great job the world's central bankers and politicians did to save the economy in 2008.

"On the whole, when the eruption of the Panic of 2008 threatened the very foundations of the global economy, the world rose to the challenge, with a remarkable degree of international cooperation, despite very difficult conditions and compressed time frames."

We can take this about as seriously as we would take similar self-praise by the head of FEMA after Katrina. Yet even that's not close enough. It's more like self-praise from the Army Corps of Engineers describing the levies. Maybe we should think of Greenspan as the Army Corps of Engineers and Bernanke as FEMA.

Click the link to read the rest of the post.

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