Thursday, January 6, 2011

Are You Confused About the Prospects of Hyperinflation, Massive Inflation, and/or Deflation?

Yesterday’s blog post “How the Stock Market and the Economy Really Work” shined light on the little reported fact that the stock market indices and the economic GDP numbers go up with the increase in the money supply.  Today’s post covers what is going on right now with the US money supply.

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The past and future actions of the Federal Reserve will affect every investor and saver.  Pay attention to the central bankers actions and plan your high dividend stock investments accordingly.

Rockwell interviews Jorg Guido Hülsmann.

Quantitative easing is designed to bail out the federal debt, but it may presage Weimar.Dr. Hulsmann discusses the evils of central banking and fractional reserves, the blessings of deflation, and how Austrian economists are making vast progress.

Enjoy this excellent audio interview.

Be seeing you!

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