Monday, March 28, 2011

The Adjusted Monetary Base: February 2010 to Early March 2011. No More Exit Strategy.

There is no news on my favorite high dividend stocks, so let's see what the evil Federal Reserve chairman is up to.  See the charts below to examine the Fed's adjusted monetary base.  Ben Bernanke has been very busy counterfieting US dollars to purchase US government treasury bonds.  Government bonds are a bubble.  When interest rates rise bond prices will go down making current bonds worth less.  I wouldn't and don't own bonds in this financial environment.
The Adjusted Monetary Base: February 2010 to Early March 2011. No More Exit Strategy.
Gary North
March 24, 2010

Look at the adjusted monetary base over the last year.

Bernanke tried to get off the tiger's back. He began his much-heralded exit strategy in February 2010. He climbed back on the tiger's back in January 2011.


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