Sunday, May 1, 2011

Farming outside the US for profit - an interview with Jim Rogers.

The following interview of legendary investor, Jim Rogers, comes from courtesy of Brett Owens. Rogers discusses inflation, the Federal Reserve, expatriation, China, and commodity investing (especially farming and energy).

Rogers understands the Austrian school of economics, but he doesn't emphasize that China will experience a severe recession or depression before excellent investment opportunities are available. Asian high dividend stocks should be bought after the Chinese real estate and financial bubbles pop. Their currencies will strengthen versus the US dollar and new, middle class Asian consumers will buy their products.

Subscribe today for free at to discover high dividend stocks with earning power and strong balance sheets.

There are many high dividend energy stocks, but I haven't found any high dividend agriculture stocks other than Terra Nitrogen (TNH). I haven't done a complete analysis of TNH yet so don't consider this as a recommendation.

Be seeing you!

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