Sunday, January 29, 2012

Doug Casey on the Collapse of the Euro and the EU

Here are some of my recommended action steps to help you with
implementing Doug Casey's recommendations in his recent article for (

1) Buy $10,000 worth of precious metals if you have none. Put 80%
into gold coins from your home country. I recommend tenth ounce gold
coins because they are more tradeable, but they have a higher premium
over the spot price of gold. Go to or to
learn the spot price of gold and silver and the associated premiums
for various coins.

Put the remaining 20% into one ounce silver coins or junk silver
coins. Junk silver is not "junk". That is the name of US dimes and
quarters from before 1965. Their composition is 90% silver.

2) Have printed cash on hand to buy valuable tools of production for
your side business from desperate sellers locally (e.g. Craigslist) or

3) I disagree with Doug Casey that the gold mining stocks are cheap
right now. Visit some of the gold mining stock articles on my blog to
see why I don't think they are so cheap. Here is one to start wiith:

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discover high dividend stocks with earning power and strong balance

Be seeing you!

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