Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Apple dividend

There is news that Apple will begin paying a $2.65 per share quarterly
dividend (http://news.investors.com/article/604927/201203201524/apple-shares-retreat-fr....
That is great news, but I like high dividend stocks. Apple would
become a 6% high dividend stock if it pays its proposed dividend and
its stock price drops to $176.66. Unfortunately for current Apple
investors that would be nearly a 71% price decline from today's
closing price of $605.88 per share. Right now you are laughing at me.
How preposterous!! Ahhh, but you forget that Apple was selling for
$176 in mid-September of 2009. Apple is not market-proof. I will
write a "First Look" article on Apple soon where we can discover their
average earning power together.

There is another way for Apple to become a high dividend stock. They
could pay out 80% of the recent earnings of $35.11 per share in the
form of a dividend. A $7.02 quarterly dividend payment would bring
the yield up to 6%. I'm very confident that Apple will not do this.

Subscribe today for free at www.myhighdividendstocks.com/feed to
discover high dividend stocks with earning power and strong balance

Be seeing you!

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