Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Your First Step into the World of Bitcoins; An Excellent Primer.

The Wall Street investing game is rigged against you.  The theft of customer funds after the MF Global bankruptcy should have you worried about the safety of your brokerage account assets.


There is a new currency that you can buy to thwart the efforts of the Federal Reserve and the Wall Street banksters.  Do you have some of your investments in bitcoins?  Do you even know what a bitcoin is?  If you answered no to these two questions, then you had better read this concise, non-technical explanation of the bitcoin ecosystem:


You can listen to the article while driving in your car here:

        <!—Start of SpokenText player à

        <script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript”>

               var recordingUrl = “http://www.spokentext.net/members/Gorbash91/A_Business_Primer_on_the_Bitcoin_...”;

               var width = “100”;

               var height = “20” ;   



        <script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript” src=”http://www.spokentext.net/display_player.php”></script>

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I will be writing more about bitcoins in the future.  I’ll discuss how many of them that there will ever be, how they can be secured, and how much it costs to convert your national currency into bitcoins.

Be seeing you!

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