Saturday, February 19, 2011

Eliminate debt and then build savings. Then you will be ready for high dividend stocks.

Today's article is going to be a short one.  I want you to own a portfolio of high dividend stocks that will provide you a steady stream of income that beats the Federal Reserve's price inflation for the rest of you life.  But you must take care of first things first.  You must eliminate consumer debt first.  Then you should build up your savings.  Then you will have money to invest in high dividend stocks, your own business, and/or rental real estate.
For free help to get out of consumer help visit  That is a program similar to Dave Ramsey's, but for free.  Check out this excellent article on the cancer of debt by Jack Spirko, the man behind .  It will motivate you to get out of debt.
Next, you should build up savings that will cover six months of expenses in a bank savings account.  Choose a local bank that is paying the highest interest rate for savings accounts.  Those are usually the weakest banks that are trying to attract deposits so as to hold off the government regulators from shutting them down on a Friday afternoon.  Your money is FDIC insured.  There is no danger until the Federal Revserve stops buying US government bonds.  US government bonds fund the government and the FDIC.  There will come a time when you don't want your savings in a bank as digital money, but right now is not that time.  That time is years away.
Keep reading this blog to at to discover high dividend stocks with earning power and strong balance sheets.
Be seeing you!

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