Friday, April 1, 2011

TIP OF THE WEEK - An Extremely Useful Way to Examine 5 Years of a Company's Financials in Less Than Thirty Seconds.

An Extremely Useful Way to Examine 5 Years of a Company’s Financials in Less Than Thirty Seconds.

Jason Brizic

Apr. 1, 2011

You like to do your own investment analysis or you like to dig deeper than the articles you read on a company.  But you are frustrated with all the free investing services only showing the current financials or just three years.  You are a high dividend stock investor, so three years is just not good enough.  You want at least five years worth of financials without a lot of hassle. 

I’ll show you how to easily access five years worth of financials on any exchange listed stock for free and without registration.

You will be able to quickly view five years worth of income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements with Morningstar’s stock tool. 

Go to and type your desired stock ticker symbol into the Quote box at the top of the screen.  Then chose the Financials tab and you are there.  That was easy!

You can choose annual or quarterly views.  You can chose five years for free and ten years if you are a paid premium member.  The free info exceeds what I’ve seen on other sites like Google Finance, which only shows three years of financials.  Looking at five years of financials will put you ahead of many investors who are really just speculating.  You can even change the numbers to percentages in a single click.

Here are the financials for one of my favorite high dividend stocks, Safe Bulkers (SB):

For more tips, go here:

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