Thursday, June 23, 2011

Which integrated oil majors will become high dividend stocks?


Today's new about the US government planning to sell 2 million barrels of oil per day for 30 day from the strategic oil reserve got me thinking about which oil majors are high dividend stocks?  The answer is none.  But some itegrated oil majors are close in the 4-5% dividend yield range.  A significant stock market correction could make some of the high dividend stocks yielding over 6%.
Exxon Mobil (XOM) yields 2.40%
Cheveron (CVX) yields 3.14%
Royal Dutch Shell (RDS) yields 4.90%
Total (TOT) yields 5.76%
BP (BP) yields 3.95%
Petroleo Brasilero (PBR) yields 4.47%
Conoco Phillips (COP) yields 3.62%
If the US government is temporarily successful at increasing the US domestic supply of oil, then oil prices should fall in the short term.  This in turn will drive the oil stocks lower.  That will drive oil stock dividend yields higher and it might possibly provide some attractive buying opportunities for price appreciation once the effects of the governments actions wear off.
I'm going to start by examining the highest dividend stock on this short list: Total (TOT).
Total (TOT)
Market price: $54.70
Shares: 2.35 billion
Dividend: $1.61 semi annual
Dividen yield: 5.76%
Recent EPS: $7.60
Dividend payout ratio: 84.7% (that sort of high, but tolerable)
Earning power: $4.64 average earnings over five years @ 2.35 billion shares
(Earnings adjusted for changes in capitalization - slight increase in shares)
          EPS      Net inc.          Adj. EPS
2006   $5.09     $11,788 M     $5.01
2007   $5.80     $13,181 M     $5.61
2008   $4.71     $10,590 M     $4.51
2009   $3.78     $8,447 M       $3.59
2010   $4.71     $10,571 M     $4.50
Five year average adjusted earnings = $4.64 per share
Market price is at 11.78 times average earnings.  Total appears to be value priced right now.
Value territory starts at or below 12 times average earnings = $55.68
Speculative pricing is at or above 20 times average earnings = $92.80
Balance sheet strength:
Book value per share: $27.84
Price to book value ratio: 1.964 (good)
Current ratio: 1.40 (over 2.0 is good)
Quick ratio: 0.87 (over 1.0 is good)
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Be seeing you!

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