Wednesday, August 17, 2011

An opportunity to pick up Safebulkers (SB) below $7.00 per share (9.6% dividend yield) will come again.

You had your chance to buy Safebulkers (SB) below $7.00 like I recommended: 
SB has gained 21% ($6.20 to $7.56) since its 52 week bottom on August 8th, 2011.  Safebulkers was yielding 9.6% at the bottom also.  It didn't expect you to buy at the exact bottom.  If you used my combination of technical indicators: CCI, Bollinger Bands, and MACD then you would have bought on August 14th or 15th at around $7.00 per share.
Disclosure: I don't own Safebulkers yet because I'm paying down some debts.  That is using all my free cash flow, but it pains me to miss this opportunity.  I believe that the next crash of the stock market will take Safebulkers down with it and present more buying opportunities.
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