Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When should you sell Terra Nitrogen (TNH)?

When should you sell Terra Nitrogen (TNH) if you own it or are considering shorting it?  Terra Nitrogen's stock price has increased 43.6% in the past year while the S&P 500 has only risen 0.9%.  I don’t know why the stock’s price has rocketed since April 2011.


The stock is currently yielding 8.1% at today's price of $183.38 per share.  It is now paying a $3.75 quarterly dividend on $3.95 in earnings per quarter.  This brings the dividend payout ratio up to a worrying 95%.  I like dedicated dividend payouts of between 50% and 80% (dedicated, but not too high).

TNH has an average adjusted earning power of $9.97 over the past five years.  Consider buying at or below $119.64 (12 times average adjusted earnings).  Consider sell at or above $  $199.40 (20 times average adjusted earnings).  It is almost sell time.

Their balance sheet is strong.  To read the other articles I’ve written on Terra Nitrogen click here:

Disclosure: I don’t own Terra Nitrogen (TNH).

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