Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ron Paul's best interview to date. Economics in one interview.

I just finished watching CNBC's "Meeting of the Minds" show with some of the most elitist people I've ever seen.  The video link is not the one I just watched, but the posted videos are typical of the republocrat solutions.
They were all a bunch of republocrat hardcore Keynesian statists.  Even former General Electric CEO sounded like a 80% free market / 20% socialist.  They had no solutions because they don't understand Austrian economics.  They don't understand capitalism.  That means that they don't understand that the customers are in charge in a capitalist society because they hold the most desirable commodity - money.  Government regulation prevents producers from competing against one another to please customers.  Regulaton does this by creating barriers to entry more commonly know as liceansing and bureaucratic redtape.
None of the so-called "minds" had anything to say about the crux of the problem.  The problem is a lack of sound money and individual liberty.  Ron Paul explains this better than any economist at the Federal Reserve.  See the video below.
The people calling themselves the government and the Federal Reserve are destroying the environment for accumulating capital.  This is not good because our standard of living will worsen due to the policies since 1913 (the creation of the Federal Reserve).

The Best Ron Paul Interview Ever?
Ron Paul schools neocon Chris Wallace, who is suddenly respectful of his surge

Recently by Ron Paul: The Illusion of Safety

Ron Paul joins Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday to discuss his rise in the mainstream presidental polls (to #3 on the latest Gallup) and the hot issues of the day. It is impossible not to notice how these interviews have changed. The normally belligerent neocon host was respectful as Ron smoothly and convincingly stated his positions.

Since this interview coincided with the media hysteria about Hurricane Irene, Wallace first asked Ron why he was opposed to FEMA. As the representative of a Gulf Coast district, Ron knows full-well the damage the weather can do. Indeed, he says: "It has the worst reputation for a bureaucracy ever. It hinders local people keeps people away from their homes. It's a system of central economic planning that is deeply flawed.....and it's broke."

Ron also rips the US intervention in Libya. He schools Wallace about the consequences of our destructive foreign policy. When asked about Gaddafi, Ron reminds him that "we've been very bad at picking dictators around the world. We may be delivering al-Qaida another prize."

Regarding Austrian economics – which Ron is actually asked about – he describes his solution for a healthy economy as, government “hands off, free markets, property rights, no bailouts, and sound money.” The Fed has caused endless problems with its policy of keeping interest rates artificially too low for too long. It has to stop monetizing debt.

When asked if he's in it to win it, Ron says Yes – but he wants to take a different approach – Not to seek power, but to seek to diminish it, to diminish dependency on government. People are waking up and saying "Ron Paul is right," he notes. Darn right!

See the Ron Paul File

August 30, 2011

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas.

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