Sunday, November 27, 2011

But Is Everything Gonna Be All Right?

But Is Everything Gonna Be All Right?

by Ron Holland
The Daily Bell

Previously by Ron Holland: The European Union Uber Alles



"How much pain have cost us the evils that have never happened." ~ Thomas Jefferson

Worrying about the many economic threats in the news today really is a waste of time. So many people come up to me depressed, concerned and frozen into a total inaction and paralysis about domestic politics, foreign affairs, the dollar and the debt saying what are we going to do?

My answer is to quit worrying, take sound preparations and then get on with your life. Every generation and nation have had their trials and tribulations, success and failures and although today looks eerily like the 1930’s, this too will pass.

Although I’ve been retired from individual consulting for some time (still work with corporate clients) I receive a large number of inquiries from readers and former clients as well as current conferences attendees and they all ask what is going to happen? Will the dollar and US sovereign debt crash, what about the European Union and their problems, gold, oil and the scary situation in the Middle East?

They never ask whether congress or the US political system will get their act together "they know the answer" and except for the Ron Paul campaign everyone has basically given up on government solutions to the threats facing us today. The real underlying question from everyone is simply "Is everything going to be all right?"

A simple answer is despite positive assurances from Wall Street, Washington and the EU or the negative forecasts from doomsday prophets, no one really knows. While all the experts have opinions, as this is what experts are paid to do, the western world is dealing with such a complex series of problems now all at once, we really are in uncharted territory.

Read the rest of the article here:

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