Friday, November 11, 2011

TIP OF THE WEEK - It's Official: Wall Street Firms May Legally Steal From Their Customers

It’s Official: Wall Street Firms May Legally Steal From Their Customers

Jason Brizic

November 11th, 2011

Desperate people do desperate things.  Don’t make it easy for them to fleece you.

Don’t put all your financial eggs in one basket.  You should own:

·         Your own business (to generate income even in retirement)

·         Physical precious metals (gold and silver coins from you country’s mint)

·         Rental real estate (3 bedroom, 2 bath houses in neighborhoods with good schools)

·         Currencies (US dollars in printed cash, Yen in printed cash)

·         Goods (all the commercial goods you can store that you will consume anyways)

·         High dividend stocks with earning power and strong balance sheets

Wall Street firms and commodities futures firms can legally steal from their customers.  Examine your terms and conditions that you have with your brokerage firm (e.g E*Trade, ScottTrade, etc..).  Minimize your stock holdings as a percentage of your net worth.  I’m targeting only 5%-10% of my net worth for my high dividend stock portfolio.  There are great risks that are going unnoticed by most investors in the world’s bond and equity markets.

I offer this article as proof:

For more tips, go here:

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