Sunday, November 27, 2011

Yet Another Reason Not to Buy (AMZN) Stock

More proof that (AMZN) needs beta-testers more than it needs to pay a dividend.

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Amazon Foul-Ups: Google Access
Gary North
Printer-Friendly Format

Nov. 26, 2011

To give you an example of why Amazon needs more full-time beta-testers to search the site daily, consider this.

Someone searches Google for Amazon. He gets this:


He then wants to find out about Amazon Instant Video. He clicks the link. He gets this:

This can't be right. So, he clicks again. The same. And again. He gets this:

Enough said.

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Click here to read my other articles on why not to buy (AMZN) stock:

Subscribe today for free at to discover high dividend stocks with earning power and strong balance sheets.  Guess what? (AMZN) is not one of them.

Be seeing you!

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